Bless Our Love

You and I will put our hearts together and as our Love grows and grows,
The fruit of our union and Mama Mary’s blessings from up above
A beautiful child will be born for us to carry, to hold and love!

Our love is forevermore.


I’m lookin’ for the best little Teddy Bear
So my Leonora can kiss him, hug him & brush his hair
And love bein’ with him here, and there and Everywhere


Her eyes will sparkle like diamonds with love
As Mama Mary approvingly smiles
From the most beautiful blue heaven above


As she cuddles him close to her chest
He tells her she’s his One & Only
Indeed the world’s Prettiest Best
He tells her that oh so much does he love her
And every day more & more of this love
Does he discover


He says she’s always the shining star
Of his Teddy Bear Show
And that his Teddy Bear name
is One and the same
As her loving husband Joe