The Origin of the Starfish Story Those of us who have ever read any comic books, are probably familiar with origin stories such as the origin of Superman, Spiderman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. I have always loved reading all types of stories as well as fairy tales, fantasies, and fables and you know they usually have an important piece of truth in them or a lesson worthwhile learning. Anything worthwhile learning is worthwhile keeping within your heart and soul. In one way, that’s what this website is all about, that is to learn things that will help us navigate the journey of life more creatively and successfully. And so, that is the reason for the existence of this precious talewhich I know will make a difference for you. By the way, please take notice of all the starfish symbols on this website. And now…   Once upon a time, before time as we now know it began, there was no horizon to gaze at showing the joining of the sky and the sea. A wonderful star was a hero of the sky. He roamed the skies helping and saving others, making a difference making better lives for many parts of the sky including the sun and the moon and all the meteors and clouds. He knew only of the sky because of its vastness. One day, a giant eruption in the sky brought stressful “stormy weather” (light years before the song was written) and lightning, a bolt of which knocked our brave hero STAR out of the sky. As he fell, hoping he wouldn’t die, he hoped even harder that he could live...